Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School:
Communities, Connections, and Citizenship

Lawrence Lyman, Scott Waters,
Harvey C. Foyle, and Allyson L. Lyman

Table of Contents

Introduction: Welcome to Social Studies
Chapter 1: Overview of the Social Studies
Chapter 2: A Brief History of American Education and School Reform Efforts
Chapter 3: Implementing the Standards: Best Practices, Connections, Integration
Chapter 4: Planning for Meaningful Learning
Chapter 5: Assessing Student Learning
Chapter 6: Building Democratic Classroom Communities
Chapter 7: Promoting Student Interaction and Success
Chapter 8: Encouraging Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, and Problem Solving
Chapter 9: Connections to Technology
Chapter 10: Connections to Economics
Chapter 11: Connections to Civics and Government
Chapter 12: Connections to History
Chapter 13: Connections to Geography
Appendix A: Bibliography
Appendix B: Social Studies Children’s Books
Appendix C: Curriculum Planning Forms
Appendix D: Integrated Unit Examples
About the Authors